On-The-Bar Series with Old Elk Distillery

We are so excited to finally launch our On-The-Bar segment. We're working with bartenders who were affected by the pandemic and giving our community a chance to help support them as well. For every segment they will be compensated by Old Elk and you will have the chance to virtually tip them as well. Join us in helping our fellow bartenders.

On-The-Bar Series - Episode 4: Joe Cammarata and Daren Swisher

For our third On-The-Bar episode, join us in welcoming Joe Cammarata and Daren Swisher!


On-The-Bar Series - Episode 3: Laurence Francis

For our third On-The-Bar episode, join us in welcoming Laurence Francis!


On-The-Bar Series - Episode 2: Kat Lamp & Carlo Caroscio

For our second On-The-Bar episode, join us in welcoming Kat Lamp (@kat-lamp) and Carlo Caroscio (@carlo-caroscio)


On-The-Bar Series - Episode 1: Kevin Ott

First up is Kevin Ott - to donate to his virtual tip jar, his Venmo handle is mountain0tter (that’s a zero for the O). For the full video head to our Facebook page where you'll learn much more about Kevin. For every share on Facebook, Old Elk Distillery will be donating $1 into the virtual tip jar, up to $150.

Erin Bishop